I can't believe that we are already well into December, I am still recovering from Halloween (which I thought just ended last week). I am realizing that once summer ends and fall begins the months just blend together with never ending parties, good food, and wonderful friends and family.
So we will start with Thanksgiving: Garrett and I had been preparing ourselves for a full day of feasting, starting at Grandma Sydney's and shortly there after heading straight to Grandma Jo's for round 2. We were so excited but as we approached the first meal we realized that our eyes were bigger than our stomachs and we were full with at least a half plate of food left to finish. No worries give me 5 minutes and I will be ready to continue. As we sat around the table and spoke of all the things we were thankful for I couldn't narrow it down to just thing that I am grateful for I thought I would elaborate a litle bit more:
1. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to live in this wonderful country and have the freedoms that comes with living in America.
2. I am grateful for my parents who taught me by example how to live the gospel to the fullest and the blessing that come from being obedient.
3. I am so blessed to have good health and youth currently on my side ( though my age continues to creep up on me faster that I would like it to).
4. I am grateful for my two little peanuts who make my life full of joy and laughter each and every day. I truly can't get enough of them.
5. I am grateful for a kind, wonderful, loving, patient, youthful-hearted husband who always makes me feel like I am the best at everything. I love his quiet wit, which I know he gets from Grandma Paitience. He is my best friend who I expect to also play the role of my best girl friend from time to time when I just need to vent.
6. I am grateful for the numerous temples so close and for the continued growth of temples that have become even closer for us. (Therefore, no excuses.)
I am grateful for so many things I could go on forever, but these are just to name a few.
Round 2 at Grandma Jo's started with a fashion show from Cinderella and Snow White, and was followed by another wonderful feast with great conversation and wonderful family. As things were winding down, I thought our little clan would head home and get ready for a good night sleep. I was wrong. Leave it to Andy to round everyone up for a shopping excursion starting at Midnight. He just couldn't wait to get out there and shop for his cute wife Jessica and I have a problem of not being able to say "NO" so of course I was in. What was I thinking? I avoid crowds at all costs. I don't even love to shop and here I was standing in the cold, sleep-deprived waiting for the doors to open. 

At midnight the Christmas season became official and we went to town. I was mostly in charge of holding everyones bags or helping them find a certain size but we had a blast and partied all night long. Thank you Andy.

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