This year Halloween seemed to be a party for the whole month of October. Between Neighborhood parties, family parties, work parties and play group outings Kenedy was able to put her costume to the durability test ( it barely made it to the 31st). She loved being a fairy and practically wore her Magic crown" to bed every night. Gavin got off a little easy this year. I wasn't planning on dressing him in anything, for he was too little to fit into much. As we were getting ready for the neighborhood party I stumbled upon a "red pepper" outfit that belonged to a friend. It fit perfectly and wasn't too uncomfortable for him. He was only tortured for one party and then he made sure to be asleep for all other outings so I wouldn't get him dressed up for the occasion. Here are just a few pictures of our Halloween festivities.
You are awesome. I think your blog looks great. I love your pictures and all the details. Welcome to the blogging world-watch out, it becomes addicting, but so fun. We love you and your family. Love ya-Tenille
Hey Ash, I randomly came across your blog. Congratulations on the new baby. I would love to get together with you. I tried to call you a while back, but I obviously don't have the right phone number. Call me or email me, the girls would have a lot of fun together. Talk to you soon.
Cortney Smith
YEAH ASHLEY you are in Blog world, I saw your link on Tenille's blog and went crazy. I loved reading all the details and seeing pictures of you and your family. Kenedy is growing up-you can feel her personality thru the website. Her broken arm cast is so cute on her,trent and I both got a laugh of the big cast on such a little girl! Gavin is the cutest thing ever - it makes me so emotional to see him,he is so handsome and just little. I can't wait to meet him.
I love you! It will be great keeping in touch thru the blog. We also look forward to seeing you in a week! Love you heaps Laura (and Trent)
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