Friday, January 15, 2010

My Sweet Kenedy .

I was driving in the car a week or so ago, and Kenedy said out of nowhere:

Kenedy: Mom, I don' t want to get baptized

Me: Well, why not?

Kenedy: Just because

Me: Why do you say that?

Kenedy: Just cause mom, I don't want to drown.

Me: (light bulb coming on) Sweetheart you won't drown. Daddy will be there with you, it's a very special day. I then briefly explained to her the process and that she will receive the special gift of the Holy Ghost.

Kenedy: (extremely enthused) I will get a gift? the Holy Ghost?

Kenedy: He is Jesus' friend right?

Me: It is a special gift to help guide you and comfort you...

Kenedy: So Mom as soon as I get baptized and get the gift of the Holy Ghost, Then I become the prophet.


End of Story, not up for negotiation, she quickly decided that she would be baptized and aspire to be the prophet.

This is my Special Kenedy, she is always learning and achieving and full of such a vivid imagination. The things that come out of her mouth are hilarious and honest and thought provoking and I laugh on a daily basis. She makes me smile.
I told myself I would start writing these things down again, because it is so priceless. So I may have oodles of more short post simply stating a conversation or thought that Kenedy said.

I love you sweet Girl and I know that you can be anything you want to be...


andy'n'jess said...

Oh my gosh! I love her, she is so silly and the cutest things come out of her mouth!!! Love you guys

Anonymous said...

Love this story!

Sid said...

Good one! I like this pic!!