Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bottle...Baby Food... Cookie?

When I was pregnant with Samantha I wanted nothing more than to be able to nurse her successfully (Without pain, lack of milk, or any other problem that may occur when trying to breastfeed your baby). I remember vividly the moment I met my Precious Sam and as I looked at her face she was sucking, and smacking those lips of hers. I immediately responded "Oh no"! I know, how sad is that.

I was nervous and scared for the pain and frustration that came along with nursing your baby. But I knew I was going to give it my all, and not expect miracles.

Well, needless to say Samantha was a natural and took right to it with no problems. YEAH!!! This is exactly what I had prayed for.
Now six months later she is still/only nursing. I try solid foods and juice in a bottle but she will have no such thing. ABSOLUTELY Not!!!! Just the sight of either sends her into a fit.
So this week Garrett was out of town and she was constantly grabbing for whatever I was eating. As I was eating a cookie she grabbed it and immediately brought it to her mouth.

and this is what I discovered...

A Giddy Sam sucking the bee-jee-bees out of a chocolate cookie.

Duh mom, what is not to love?
So up to this point Samantha solely nurses with a side snack of a cookie, sucker, or pudding. I know I shouldn't be giving her these things but I sometimes cant resist and it is a start to some sort of solid food and not so dependant of Mom. I love you Samantha and you are my precious Angel who knows what she wants.


Megan Andersen said...

I'm so happy that this go around has been so successful for you...third time is definitely a charm!

Jer & Cort Smith said...

I would not have believed it if I didn't see it myself and she is very picky and is funny that she won't even try. I have disappeared from the blogging world so I don't know how long you have had your new pictures up but I love them. What a cute family!

An average mom named rachel said...

oh my gosh. I haven't seen you guys for forever! Or your blog for awhile! And 1) I LOVE the photography. 2) Sam is getting so big and she is adorable. 3) I can relate to the baby having a hard time adapting to anything else but mom's milk ;) 4) The baptism story cracked me up. Kennady is so cute. Hope all is well!

An average mom named rachel said...

i just realized i spelled Kenedy wrong. My bad. Your way is much cuter. :)