When I was pregnant with Samantha I wanted nothing more than to be able to nurse her successfully (Without pain, lack of milk, or any other problem that may occur when trying to breastfeed your baby). I remember vividly the moment I met my Precious Sam and as I looked at her face she was sucking, and smacking those lips of hers. I immediately responded "Oh no"! I know, how sad is that.
I was nervous and scared for the pain and frustration that came along with nursing your baby. But I knew I was going to give it my all, and not expect miracles.
Well, needless to say Samantha was a natural and took right to it with no problems. YEAH!!! This is exactly what I had prayed for.
Now six months later she is still/only nursing. I try solid foods and juice in a bottle but she will have no such thing. ABSOLUTELY Not!!!! Just the sight of either sends her into a fit.
So this week Garrett was out of town and she was constantly grabbing for whatever I was eating. As I was eating a cookie she grabbed it and immediately brought it to her mouth.
Now six months later she is still/only nursing. I try solid foods and juice in a bottle but she will have no such thing. ABSOLUTELY Not!!!! Just the sight of either sends her into a fit.
So this week Garrett was out of town and she was constantly grabbing for whatever I was eating. As I was eating a cookie she grabbed it and immediately brought it to her mouth.
and this is what I discovered...
Duh mom, what is not to love?
So up to this point Samantha solely nurses with a side snack of a cookie, sucker, or pudding. I know I shouldn't be giving her these things but I sometimes cant resist and it is a start to some sort of solid food and not so dependant of Mom. I love you Samantha and you are my precious Angel who knows what she wants.